How to become a distributor

At Barberfurniture we strive to create long-lasting, meaningful relationships with our distributors. Doing this we ensure that our products are safely shipped to our customers across the globe, creating a bond of mutual trust. We are always looking to expand our network, if you are a budding distributor looking to work with us then don’t hesitate to contact us.

How to become a distributor

At Barberfurniture we strive to create long-lasting, meaningful relationships with our distributors. Doing this we ensure that our products are safely shipped to our customers across the globe, creating a bond of mutual trust. We are always looking to expand our network, if you are a budding distributor looking to work with us then don’t hesitate to contact us.


Barberfurniture BV

Badhuisstraat 18, 4703 BH
Roosendaal, Nederland

+31 639 27 70 40

Barberfurniture has professional distributors around the world

Our distributor network spans across the globe



Badhuisstraat 18
4703 BH Roosendaal
The Netherlands
+316 38 39 44 09

Barbers Concept


Vogelsanger Weg 80
40470 Dusseldorf
+49 211 301 76 76 0

BarberBrace US


6700 West Brown Deer Road
Brown Deer WI 53223
Contact us by clicking more

Sintesi S.R.L


Via R. da Piazzola, 20/A
35016- Piazzola Sul Brenta
+393 402 620 564

Imcos France SAS


172 rue des fleurs
76590 Le Bois Robert
Contact : Jean-Arnault LECLERCQ

Unique Works


Kronenplatz 12
5600 Lenzburg
+41 62 822 08 08

Barber Furniture

Remaining Countries

Badhuisstraat 18
4703 BH Roosendaal
The Netherlands
+316 39 27 70 40

Download our Brochure

Download our Product Catalogue to easely compare our productrange and select Barberfurniture suited for your needs. All our products are shown in a complete setup with measurements and variations.

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